
As a proud single dad of two students in the Rocky River City School District (middle and high school), Darryl brings a much-needed voice and perspective to the table. A resident of Rocky River since 2006, his ongoing involvement in the district includes serving on the CAC (Curriculum Advisory Committee), mentoring as a Junior Achievement Consultant for Grade 6, and contributing regularly as an active member of the PTA and frequent volunteer. His community activities include coaching for Upwards Basketball, as well as serving in church as a Youth Director for teens and a Sunday School Teacher for K-5th grade. Over the past year, Darryl has worked with the non-profit civic organization Rocky River Black Lives Matter to introduce diverse authors and books to neighborhoods throughout the city through the “Read in Color” Little Free Libraries program. In May of 2021, the organization also presented the Rocky River School Board with the “Five in Five” Equity in Education Commitment— which focuses on encouraging more diversity in the RRCSD teacher workforce and administration.  He is passionate in his belief that all our students are best served by leadership that reflects the diversity of today’s modern world and workforce. 


Darryl chose E3 (Elevating Excellence in Education) for his campaign. Along with maintaining an environment that respects and supports students and faculty of all backgrounds, he believes continuing to prioritize STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math) will keep Rocky River a top school district. Darryl holds a Bachelor of Science in Industrial Management and Industrial Engineering from Purdue University.  Since graduating, he has held engineering positions with Fortune 500 companies like General Motors and ExxonMobil Oil Corporation. Over the last 25 years, he has worked for multiple biopharmaceutical companies, primarily in the area of cancer research and treatment, and has held many training positions (both engineering and sales), including serving as a Dale Carnegie Teaching Assistant. He prides himself on being a solution-oriented person who works well with others of all backgrounds. To know Darryl is to know that he is never too busy for conversation or civil discourse with anyone. 


Darryl’s expertise in systems, problem-solving, and education will serve the community well when it comes to some of the complex challenges and issues that Rocky River City Schools (as well as others across the country) are facing.  Adhering to the mantra “It’s All About the Kids,” Darryl wishes to encourage the district to “follow the experts” in what’s best for our children, and not always what’s most popular. He believes it’s vital to keep our “Blue Ribbon” district moving forward, not backward.

On November 2, 2021, cast your vote for:

  • Formulating and Consistently Re-Evaluating Smart Pandemic Mitigation Policies Based on Scientific and Medical Recommendations

  • Ongoing Focus on What’s Best for the Entire RRCSD Community

  • Re-Establishing the District’s Commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Initiatives

  • Elevating Excellence in Education and Curriculum Development

  • STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math) Focus

  • Transparency in Leadership and Decision-Making—Clear Communication Every Step of the Way